2021 results for digital fundraising were strong

Check out some key nuggets from 2021’s key results.

Using the approach of driving awareness, increasing consideration and converting donations brought substantial returns in 2021

Digital fundraising can seem like just an extension of direct mail appeals if not done with a systematic approach. But when you break it down to the levers for the three phases, you can optimize for each phase and drive micro-level results that result in high macro-level performance.

2020 was a year unlike any other as a strategist driving revenue for nonprofits, almost entirely attributed to COVID-19 and the digital response of those looking to help.

2021 became a year to keep that momentum going. From the efforts I was the head of strategy, we saw substantial returns.

344,960 Site Visitors

Unleashing Awareness

Deploying Google Grants, search engine optimization, digital media and more, site visitors increased dramatically from the prior year.


$4,262,102 in Revenue

Increasing Consideration

In order to drive revenue to new levels, ensuring optimal paths to the donation forms through intense analytics and strategy was key.

$12.36 Value per Visitor

Maximizing Conversions

Calculating value per visitor  tells the story of how conversions performed. Testing all elements of forms drove this record number.

See an optimized form in action

Revolutionizing the layout and quality of visuals of their forms, the global donation form increased from a 22% average conversion rate to more than 40%. 

Between 2020 and 2021, this equated to more than $4M in revenue attributed solely to the optimization

Donation form optimization Ben Taylor